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Friday, March 18, 2011

Personal Letter Writing Tips and Samples

Letters sent to friends and relatives are called personal letters. Personal letters are usually written in an informal language. The tone and style of a personal letter should be familiar and intimate depending upon the level of intimacy you have with the person you are writing to.

Formal and elaborate sentences won’t look natural on a personal letter. Instead, write short and loosely connected sentences. You may also use conversational idioms and colloquial expressions. Contracted forms like won’t, can’t, I’ll etc. are also very common in personal letters.

A personal letter should express the personality of the person who wrote it. It should be a like friendly talk and the reader should be able to hear your voice as he/she goes through the letter.

What to write?
Your letter should be interesting to your reader. Don’t devote the whole space to yourself. Write about people your reader is interested in. You may also want to write about the things that are of common interest to you and your reader. The purpose of writing a personal letter is to make the reader feel happy so show genuine interest in him/her. If you have a particular purpose in writing the letter – say, to convey a message – state it clearly so that it would not be obscured by the other details in the letter.

In personal letters the salutation could begin with Dear or My Dear. Note that My Dear expresses more intimacy and affection than Dear. The subscription could be Sincerely yours, Yours, or Yours affectionately. Many people also write ‘love’, ‘see you’ or ‘cheers’. Note that ‘love’ is not usually used in letters written by a man to another man.

Sample of Personal Letter
Jakarta , sector 17
October 10, 2009
Dear Jackson
Many thanks for your letter which arrived this morning. We are thinking of visiting you one of these days. By the by, how is Tom? You said nothing about him. Isn’t he studying well?
Convey my regards to everybody at home.
See you soon, I hope.
Thanks again
How to Write an Acceptance Letter
You may have verbally accepted a job offer or an invitation. But writing an acceptance letter is still a smart way of formally accepting an offer and expressing your appreciation.
When should I write an acceptance letter?
Acceptance letters are written in the following situations:
 To accept a formal or informal invitation to a social or private event
 To accept a job offer
 To accept a resignation
 To accept or decline a gift
 To accept an assignment or something similar
 To accept an honor or award

How to write an acceptance letter:
You are accepting a job, a promotion or a gift. So be gracious. The acceptance letter should convey your gratitude. Thank the person or the organization in the beginning of the letter itself. State how happy or grateful you are about accepting the offer. You may also want to thank those people who have helped you.
If you are accepting a job offer or some other assignment, formally restate the terms as you understand them. For example, you can write about your joining date, your expectations regarding the job and the rate of compensation. By restating these terms you are giving the other person a chance to review them and this will help prevent several misunderstandings from arising in future.
In your letter be enthusiastic about the job or assignment if you are accepting one. While accepting a resignation, try to keep the tone of the letter positive. Don’t make remarks that would prompt the other person to take legal action against you. Also don’t rule out the possibility of working with him or her again.
If you are accepting an invitation to an event thank the person for the invitation. You may also want to clarify details about the event – date or time, location and dress code.
At the end of the letter restate your appreciation for being offered the job, gift etc.

What if you must decline to accept an offer?
You will not be able to accept every job or invitation. Sometimes you may want to decline an offer. In your letter thank the person for the invitation or offer. State clearly that you are not able to accept the offer. You may also want to express why you are unable to accept the offer. Close the letter by restating your appreciation for the person’s consideration.
Once you have finished writing, read the letter and carefully check for errors. Make sure that your acceptance letter is well-worded and free of grammatical or spelling errors.

Personal Letter Writing Tips
Letters to friends and close relations should be written in an easy, conversational style. A personal letter should have the same tone as a friendly chat. And as a general rule they should be unpremeditated and spontaneous compositions.
In a personal letter we can touch on many subjects just like we do during casual conversations. We may also discuss these subjects in any order we like. Note that the use of colloquial expressions which would be totally out of place in a formal letter is also permissible in personal letters. But this does not mean that personal letters should be written in a careless and slovenly manner. In fact, it must be remembered that however friendly your tone may be, we are all bound by the rules of spelling, grammar and punctuation. Note that grammatical and spelling errors will instantly get you stamped as uneducated. 

Forms of address
In friendly letters to friends and relatives, the proper form of address is the name (without title) of the person to whom you are writing. You may prefix the name by such qualifying terms as Dear, My Dear, Dearest etc.
Examples are:
 My dear Mummy
 Dear Charles
 Dearest sister
The forms of subscription are varied. In letters to close friends and relatives you may write: ‘Yours affectionately’, ‘Your affectionate son/daughter/sister/brother’, ‘Your loving son/friend’ etc. In informal letters written to your superiors or teachers, you may use subscriptions such as ‘Sincerely’ or ‘Truly’.
Before the subscription some people use expressions such as ‘regards’, ‘kind regards’ or ‘with best wishes’.
Not that ‘sincerely’ should not be used in letters which begin with the formal Dear Sir, after which the proper form of subscription is ‘faithfully’ or ‘truly’.
Every educated person should know how to write a good letter. All of us have to write letters of some sorts at some point of time.
There are several different kinds of letters. For examples, there are personal letters and business letters. The form of each letter is determined by its kind. For example, personal letters are written in a friendly tone. Business letters, on the other hand, are written in a formal style.
Parts of a letter
There are six important parts to all letters. They are:
1. Heading
2. Salutation
3. Body of the letter
4. Subscription or leave taking
5. Signature
6. Superscription on the envelope
The heading usually consists of two elements – the writer’s address and the date. The purpose of the heading is to inform the reader where the letter was written and when.
The heading should give the full postal address of the writer to which the reader may reply. The heading is usually given in the top right-hand corner of the first page. The date is given below the heading. Don’t put your name with the address. The address and the date may alternatively go on the left.
The date may be written in any of the following formats:
18 October 2003
18th October 2003
October 18, 2003
The date may also be written entirely in figures.

All-figure dates are interpreted differently in British and American English. For example, 12.10.2003 means 12th October 2003 to British people. To an American it means 10th December 2003. Americans put the month before the day.

Salutation or greeting
The form of greeting depends upon the relationship between the writer and the reader of the letter.
In letters written to family members and close friends, the greeting could be –
Dear Father, My Dear Mother, Dear Uncle, Dear John etc.
In business letters the greeting should be Dear Sir/Dear Madam/Dear Sirs etc.
Note that here the use of the term dear does not imply any special affection. It is a merely a polite expression.
Put the salutation at the left-hand corner of the page. It should be put at a lower level than the heading.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Practice is necessary

Spend more than three hours every day on reading English news or articles. Read out loud when you do your reading so that you can improve your pronunciation at the same time. Reading builds up your idioms, phrases, vocabulary, and the concepts of English structures. If you do enough reading, it will save you a lot of time since you will not need to spend more time on building your vocabulary or grammar.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Listening of Other English Media

Listening is more important than reading. So learner have listen carefully what the other English speaking people talking. that will help him learn easily.
Spend at least one hour everyday listening to news or discussion programs such as NPR (National Public Radio) news or BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation; the World Service or Radio Four are best) news. It's hard to understand what they are saying when you first begin to listen to them, but gradually you'll get used to the speed and tone. Then you can get a brief idea of what they are talking about, although you can't get the detail. You don't need to listen to the radio for an whole hour at once. It's best to spend twenty or thirty minutes on listening separately.

Learn pronounciation

pronunciation is very necessary for speaking in English. So learn the phonetic alphabet (pronunciation symbols). This can help you pronounce correctly, and it's necessary to speak with the correct tone if you want to make some friends with native English speakers. This is a big deal for non-native English speakers.

Increase your communicatoin Skiils

Make friends with native-English speakers. This is the most difficult task because of the difference in culture, but you can't really master English unless you can communicate with a native English speaker fluently. You have to know enough things and have good listening skills if you want to have good conversations with an American or Briton. Remember to ask a lot of questions to keep the conversation going. When someone asks you a question, give more than just the basic information. For example, if someone asks you "Do you like living here?" don't just answer "Yes" or "No," but tell them why, too.

Watching English TV and Radios

Watch some English TV. TV is the best and most inexpensive teacher to learn real English. Not only you can learn formal English from news or debate TV programs, but you can also learn everyday English from soap operas and sitcoms. Be careful because too much jargon or too many idioms make your speech ambiguous.



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Friday, March 4, 2011

Importance of Computer

Introduction: Computer is one of the wonders of modern science. It is a fairly recent invention. It has now become an essential part of modern life. It has greatly benefited us and brought about revolutionary changes in our life. It has made our way of life easy and less complicated.
What is a computer: Any device that help people perform mathematical calculations may be called a computer. A computer is basically a processor of information. In 1937 Mr. Howard Akin, an American Scientist invented such a machine that could do difficult sums and it is called the computer. Today, however the term computer refers to a special kind of electronic machine that can perform mathematical calculations and process large masses of information at a great speed. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculation that trained mathematicians would need years to do. What gives it such tremendous power and versatility is the fact that the information contained in it may be processed in many different forms. With text, sound, video and computer generated graphics being just a few common examples. The fastest computers can handle millions of problems in a few seconds.
A computer consists of live major components. These are i) The input unit ii) the output unit iii) the memory unit: iv) control unit and v) the arithmetic unit.
A computer performs three functions. Firstly, it receives data. Secondly, it process data by various computations. Thirdly, it emits data. Every computer has a machine language of its own and accordingly it works. The machine language varies from machine to machine. Nowadays computer means digital computer. A digital computer can do hundreds of things more than an Analogue computer. It not only keeps accounts but also finds out defects of other machine and tells about its solution. It has got its special language. The question is arranged through certain signals. This signaling is called a programme. The question is sent to the receiver machine and the receiver machine sends it to the preservation machine. In the preservation machine thousands of words and numbers are arranged. They are its memory brain. The central machine carries out the order of the preservation machine and finds out the solution. Eventually the result comes out of the exit machine.
Types of computer: Modern day Digital Computers are of four types- micro computers, mini computers, mainframe computers and super computers, each varying in physical size, speed processing capabilities, memory size, disk storage capacity and cost. Computers come in many different forms also. It is not only monitor and CPU (Central Processing Unit). Embedded systems such as ones in the washing machines or air-conditioners also computers designed to do a single specific task rapidly. Expert systems which are capable of emulating human reasoning and Artificial Intelligence are also other forms of computer systems.
Various uses of computers: Computers can be used in various sections. It is widely used in banks, insurance companies, and educational institutions for data storage, processing and output. Computers are also used for telecommunications, air traffic control, navigation of ships and aircraft. It has brought new speed and accuracy to weather forecasting. In the field of medical diagnosis and printing computers are doing wonders. At present this machine has enabled mankind to cross thousands of miles within an hour. He can see the events of the countries thousands of miles away sitting in his room through the glass screen of his mother by using a TV-card in his computer. Nowadays computers can perform many complicated tasks. It can run business, play chase or even compose music. So many people call the computer an electronic brain. A new developing section of computer technology is robotics derived from the word ‘’robotnik’’ meaning slave. As the name implies, they are made to help human in their tasks, especially the dangerous and hard ones. Until now, the uses of robots have been very limited, most commonly in car factories. But by the end of the century It us expected that the use of robots would be worldwide.
Conclusion: Computer has made our life easier and enjoyable. It has brought for mankind such comforts as a man can never dream of even in a fairy land. It is the latest miracle that has brought revolution in the application of science for the benefit of mankind.

Basic Necessary Things For Learning English

Try listening to the Radio. Radio is also one of the best and inexpensive English teachers. Because there is no picture, you cannot lip read. You must train your ear to listen. 

Use an English-English dictionary and bring your dictionary wherever you go. If you find some words that you don't know, look them up in your dictionary immediately. 

Use 'Espoir Smart English' programs. You get absorbed in the learning English. You will learn English automatically. This program is specially designed for the adolescent mind to learn English for their success in career, social, love & personal lives & influence people

Use your newly-learned idioms or vocabulary. Once you use the words which you memorized, you will never forget them again.

Think in English. Getting used to using English all the time will make it easier to listen and react with it.
Join web groups or clubs where you can post questions freely and discuss the use of grammar.
Take an ESL (English as a Second Language) class at your local community college (if you live in the USA.) Classes are free! Your tax dollar at work!